Extend the Life of Your Garage Door

How to Extend the Life of Your Garage Door

Barn-style garage door with a tan overlay

Squeaking, scratching, rolling and grinding – we’ve heard the infamous symphonies of every garage out there. As you may have guessed, it’s important not just to function properly but to look good while doing it. 

In our experience, homeowners don’t often find themselves thinking about their garage door. At least, not until something goes wrong. While there may be a more demanding aspect of household maintenance holding your attention, a few small tasks can go a long way in extending the life of your garage door and improving the appearance of your property.  

Whether you’ve recently installed a garage door or are scheduling a replacement soon, there are some tasks you can implement in your weekly routine to ensure the garage door remains functional and attractive for years to come. Here are six of our favorite maintenance tips.

Top 6 Garage Door Maintenance Tips

1. Lubricate Metal Components

As you maybe know, a garage is made up of various components – an important one being the hardware. A garage door’s hardware is comprised of rollers, hinges, and springs. It’s important to check in on them every 3-4 months to ensure they’re well lubricated. Proper lubrication will prevent sticking or rusting as well as give you a quieter garage door operation.  

Here are some detailed instructions to help you successfully clean your garage’s metal components: 


Wipe down the rollers with a cloth to remove any spider webs, dirt, or debris. Next, dampen another cloth with lubricant and wipe down the metal components, ensuring the product doesn’t touch the nylon wheels. If the wheels are metal, you can lubricate them as well.


Dampen a cloth with lubricant and wipe down where the door pivots. If your hinges are plastic, you can clean them using a damp cloth but don’t apply lubricant.


Apply a thin layer of lubricant to the torsion springs. Then, wipe away any drips before they hit the garage door. If a spring has broken, replace it as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary strain on the remaining components. It’s important to schedule garage door spring replacement at the first sign of an issue because springs support a majority of the door’s weight.

2. Inspect the Cables

When checking the cables of the garage door, proceed with the utmost caution. This component works under a lot of pressure and should be handled by a professional. If you find a broken cable or spring, it’s always best to call on the help of a technician.

3. Check the Door’s Balance

Improper balance is typically the first sign that something isn’t quite right with your garage door. Pay attention if the garage door starts to tilt or come up at an angle. To check the balance, try opening the door halfway and use a level along the front. If the level isn’t even or if your garage door starts to close on its own, you have an unbalanced garage door. Fixing the problem could be as simple as adjusting the spring torsion. But if you’re not sure, we recommend contacting us for a quick servicing.

Garage Door & Gate Company

4. Clean the Garage Door Sensors

The garage door sensors are often seen as a nuisance. However, they play a critical role in the safety of your family around the garage door. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, nearly 20,000 garage door-related injuries occur each year, many of which are due to improperly functioning garage door safety sensors. That’s why cleaning and inspecting the photo eye is an important step in maintaining the function of your garage door.

Most often, the issue is that the photo eye is out of alignment or dirty. If this is the case, fixing the issue shouldn’t be too hard. Simply clean and realign the sensors, then attempt to close your garage door again. However, if the door still isn’t going down, contact one of our technicians.

5. Care for the Weatherstripping

The weatherstripping is the rubber band found at the bottom of your garage door between the slats. It’s important not only for the function of your garage but also for protecting the items stored inside. Care for your weatherstripping every few months by cleaning it with a damp rag. A buildup of dirt and debris can cause the rubber to degrade much quicker.

Going a step further, lubricate your weatherstripping every few months with a silicone-based product. We recommend avoiding any products containing petroleum as this can cause weatherstripping to degrade, crack, and eventually break. As a rule of thumb, it should be replaced every few years or when it becomes dried out and cracked.

6. Wash the Door Exterior

This is an easy garage door maintenance task, but a step that most homeowners forget. Giving the exterior of your garage a good wash once or twice a year can keep it functioning properly for longer. Clear the tracks of any dirt, gravel, twigs, or anything that could prevent it from operating smoothly. To wash the door itself, all you need is some warm water, a gentle detergent, and a sponge.

In Summary

Adding these steps to your household maintenance routine can protect and extend the lifespan of your garage door. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that your garage door will eventually become too old or require some repairs. Until then, we offer a complete range of services to help your garage door last as long as possible.

If you’re having trouble with your garage door or would like to arrange a visit, call us today at (405) 579-3667. Our professionals at Top Quality Doors will get your garage door back in working order in no time.

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